Thursday, September 18, 2008

i was there but not really there.

a tale of a fisherman according to nana. circa 2003, i think. did angie really think that the song was difficult to learn and i was showing the right way to play it, in the first place?. did she not aware of the fact that i was having a hard time in holding the right chords?. or she was like "lynkn je mamat ni"..haha...

this is the only surviving photo in my possession. perhaps, i was better looking spotting long, shiny black hair that most of them decided to keep my photos instead. (bwekk). and to all of those present that nite, Do Not, i repeat, Do Not Reveal Anything. read the title and keep it to yourself.

mr khai, i know u can't help it. strike now. hehe.


outkhai said...

'short or long', 'tiny or big', i didnt notice anything bizzare about it.. unless our friend Sudin starts talking..

we love u just the way u are, remember?

anggunansakti said...

alamak, rindu siot time ni. jom tgk bintang lg nazib.

$@m said...

kalau tak silap gua masa ni jamil pak tongkol bersama rambut barunya... siapa ingat? n malam tu ujan lebat sampai gua kene tido dalam kete kancil yang gua pinjam dari pakcik gua....