Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Excerpts from Bastard United

Kidnapped by these punk ass bitches called friends. Haha. It was great catching up. Cheers.


Unknown said...

Gosh such language can harm little ones! Careful.

Anyway who's that wearing slacks trousers with formal shirt and all?

bastard united said...

that's the dude who's into MLM or commonly called as Shiz...

makhluk ijau said...

hahaa.. Shiz & MLM mcm serasi de.. tapi mane tau satu arie nanti dia jdk jutawan MLM.. haha..

ShizKassim said...

JAS: thanks for introduce me…hope u not angry with our last minute plan…but thanks anyway frenz to support this Kidnapped mission that end with great friendship…thanks to razi, kudin, atan, aan and mostly the tiger man….

ShizKassim said...

i most forget..to the car owner..mr sam...thanks bro...

bastard united said...

Aan - harap harap la, so bule sentiasa suruh dia amik kami ngan keta dasat dia. Org MLM, keta musti power brother.

Shiz - tak marah bro, lu org tggu jek, satu hari wa buat lebey kurang kat lu org juda... bu waha ahahahahaha...

nazib said...

and there mr khai giving us the infamous boyband-like pose, again. :-)

Azealea Dz said...

jgn mareee jassssss...keh keh